8 of 100 Dads – Music

Greg is one of our “boys in blue.” His commendable career in the police force is second only to the adoration of his family. This Dad shares a home with three strong women and is up for the task.

Currently enjoying the growth and achievements of his two young daughters, Greg works diligently to instill high morals and a drive to succeed. He’s a hands-on Dad in all areas, academics, sports, community and personal development. He is on deck.

Greg loves everything about being a parent. His goal for his girls is that they will be independent, self-respecting and will always respect others. He emphasizes strong physical and mental health and does all he can to ensure positive growth with himself and his family.

Greg, “Introduce music and a musical instrument. Exposure to music will help them to identify talents and will also provide relaxation and confidence.Tip 7

Knowing a little bit about Greg and his family, I can’t help but appreciate the solid foundation he has built for his girls. This Father’s love is so apparent, as are his effort and his pride.

Knowing what the absence of a Father’s love feels like, imagining this level of support seems like a story that starts with, “Once upon a time…” I’m thrilled for his girls. What solid ground they are launching from.

Noticing Greg’s 7th tip on music and instruments, highlights an area that wasn’t really captured in our journey. I was not exposed to music as a child.  I didn’t really consider incorporating it into our lives. I do wish we had danced more.

I think integrating music, and the arts, is a great idea. Those teachings would certainly brighten any home and expand possibilities. So much to be learned, so little time.

Although a musical interest was not developed in our case, Michael does have an appreciation for Frank Sinatra and some of the “Golden Oldies.” I’m happy to report, now that things have calmed down, music has become more prevalent for our family, although no one has grabbed an instrument just yet.

One of the many values Greg and I share, is our belief in providing an abundance of opportunities. We also share our valiant effort in ensuring attention, love and adoration was, and continues to be, ever present.

Sometimes, parents can get so caught up in day-to-day survival, as I at times was. We can forget the fun of music, art and play. There is a great deal of topics to cover in ensuring the development of well-rounded adults.Greg is certainly doing all he can to facilitate experiences on in a wide variety of areas.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on parenting, and for working to raise strong, independent and accomplished women. I know these girls can step out on any ledge with a Dad like you waiting at home.

Onward and upward.

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